Getting even closer to release!
March 2025
All this talk about Apple’s possible plan to release a massive update to all their platforms’ UI makes me wonder if it is truly the end times for AppKit. I find it hard to imagine that any big UI changes would be brought back to AppKit due to how much Apple has been pushing SwiftUI adoption.
Really great WWDC 2024 video I seemed to have missed this past June. Great examples of where SwiftUI makes somewhat tedious AppKit features easier to adopt in an app. SwiftUI still isn’t my go-to when I start a new Mac app, but maybe 2025 is the year that changes. …
Putting the final touches on an app I’ve been using for months. Can’t wait to release it soon!
While there has been a lot of negative press written about Apple’s recent announcement of delayed Apple Intelligence features, the bigger issue in my opinion is Apple’s recent move to pre-announce features/products before they are fully ready. Their previous strategy of waiting and not rushing to …
Finally finished the Lego Porsche 911 set. Probably the closest I’ll ever get to owning a Porsche!
Found an amazing developer bringing back classic OS X style apps to modern macOS! Mario’s QuickTune 7 is by far one of my favorites so far. However, Music MiniPlayer might be a close second since seeing the drawer UI brings me so much joy. What is even more impressive is that both apps are …
Nothing feels better than cleaning up the Developer folder on my Mac of various projects I’ve finished or abandoned. Making “room” for more projects!
Finished reading: The Dominion War: Book 1 by John Vornholt 📚
Still watching the CHM Oral History of Bertrand Serlet interview about his life and career. Got to an interesting part where he mentioned Database Kit at NeXT. Hadn’t heard about it, but was able to find this interesting PDF scan of the “NeXT Database Kit” sell sheet on the Internet Archive!
Launching my very first “AI” website today…looking for immediate Series A funding from all interested parties!
Tinkering on a new website that has been a lot of fun to work on. Hoping to have it finished up by the end of this weekend.
February 2025
I’m still pretty early into Bill Gates’ Source Code memoir, what a great read! I’m always a sucker for any firsthand retelling of the computing revolution in the mid to late 60s. The closest thing I think I’ll ever experience to that time period would have been the App and iPhone revolution in the …
One of the things I miss the most from older versions of the iOS Music app is the ability to change the placement and order of the tab bar items. As someone who rarely uses the New and Radio tabs, I would love to put Albums and Playlists in their position for fast access.
So awesome to see a great Mac App published by John Siracusa today! Even better to see an old-school style Mac App Icon to go with the amazing name, Hyperspace! Makes me wish John would make more “Hyper”-related apps in the future!…
Found a great Vinyl, CD, and VHS store near University of Washington called Neptune Music. Picked up some great boxset CDs!
Great rainy day at Gas Works Park in Washington!
Great finds from REPC yesterday. Almost bought the AutoCAD box set for $40 as an avid AutoCAD user in high school. However, I didn’t have anything to run Windows 3.1 easily.
Photos from day one in Washington
Finally started the new season of my favorite Apple TV+ show, Mythic Quest. Of all the possible businesses for Apple to have gotten into over the years, an HBO-style production/distribution studio was never on my bingo card.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 →
This Humane buyout by HP reminds me a lot of when HP bought Palm. However, in that case, the Palm brand and tech lived on for a bit longer than I expect Humane.…
Swift Playgrounds is nice and all…but nothing beats the good old macOS Command Line Tool project template!
Still tinkering with SwiftData and finding a lot of nice improvements to CoreData. Little things like support for external storage of data for images aren’t too bad. Although, I do wish SwiftData came with more out-of-the-box support for basic external data types like images, just to make it easier …
Out of Scope Sunday: My favorite part of any new hobby…organizing and cataloging!
Tried yet again to use SwiftUI on a Mac app, and it didn’t quite work out. Thankfully, I was able to use SwiftData, which really is such a big improvement over CoreData.
Great episode of Reconcilable Differences today, all about deciding where to put your work on the web so that you end up owning as much of it as possible. I feel like this pro-personal web sentiment has been growing a lot over the past few months, and I’m really hopeful it continues to strengthen …
It’s not clear whether you’ll be able to boot up a Macintosh five years from now or not” Steve Jobs, Interview about Pixar, November 22, 1996 Managed to last a whole lot longer than 5 years…30+ years and counting.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 →
Using my iPad Mini as an almost iPhone replacement really makes me hope Apple is exploring and planning to release a foldable iPhone. An iPad that folds in half for portability, but expands for extra space, would make it the perfect everyday device. And knowing Apple, they would find some way to …
Came across this post by Stephen Hackett on 512 Pixels talking about the new page that David Sparks is building on his blog, MacSparky. (Following the links, this idea stemmed from Derek Silvers) Interesting experiments like this “Now” page show just how unique and interesting blogging can still be …
NSWorkspace has to be one of the more obscure AppKit classes. Really powerful features, even with the limitations of App Sandboxing. Interesting though that it never got fully transitioned to a newer Swift class where it would have dropped the NS prefix.
While there has been a lot of bad press lately about Apple and the App Store, it’s still inspiring to see small apps being clever and unique. First, I had ever heard of the Bears Gratitude app; however, it’s great to see Apple highlighting a fun app created by a small husband-and-wife team. Reminds …
I played a fair amount of my Asus ROG Ally today, and it makes me wish more developers, and more importantly, Apple, would have put additional effort behind using the Game Porting Toolkit announced back in 2023. Sure, the chances of Apple making a device like the Ally are slim to none due …
Of all the features Swift brought to developing on Apple platforms, the .filter and .map functions on arrays are by far my favorite and most used of any Swift feature.
Watching Star Trek: The Next Generation on the Vision Pro in the Moon environment feels like the future. I may not use the Vision Pro every day, but these small experiences make me wish more people could experience the Vision Pro.
Apple Intelligence Writing Tools:
While everyone appears to be pretty lukewarm about Apple Intelligence, besides Apple’s marketing department, I wish there was a more streamlined and cohesive way to use the one feature I do like: writing tools.
Whenever I use the Proofread feature within an app like Ulysses, I just get this big …
It is amazing that a year in to the Vision Pro and Personas are still in “beta” This must be one of the longest “public betas” Apple has ever had.…